Tutorial for set condition at only home page in cakephp
To check the current page is homepage or not in Cakephp we can use $this->request.
The output of $this->request is given bellow:
object(CakeRequest) { params => array( 'plugin' => null, 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'named' => array(), 'pass' => array( (int) 0 => 'home' ) ) data => array() query => array() url => false base => '/' webroot => '/' here => '/' [protected] _detectors => array( 'get' => array(
To check this is the homepage of cakephp site we catch the url by using “$this->request->here”.
Which will return the output
Now if you want to set some condition which will only effect in cakephp homepage you can apply the bellow condition
//debug($this->request); //Check what actually return the $this->request variable. if ($this->request->here == '/') { // your specific code which will only effect in homepage. }